
Draftbusters Online

Draftbusters is for memoir writers, novelists, script writers, non fiction writers, scribblers and doodlers in all genres, who want to seriously progress with their long term writing project.


Creative Kickstart Online

For writers of all genres, artists of all modalities or anyone with a slight creative bent who wants to so something creative with their time at the moment. A four week program designed to support and facilitate your creative-at-home project over the coming weeks.   Includes: weekly on line Zoom workshops, daily check ins, a personal mentoring session with your creative coach Jan Cornall,  access to What’s App group for sharing work, discussion and feedback. Book here.


Personal Creative Coach  – anytime

If you would prefer one on one sessions this is for you. Hour long weekly brainstorm sessions for your creative project . Sign up for a series of four to receive tallored guidance and motivational assistance. Contact Jan.

The Real Deal –  Feedback on your manuscript.

A thorough readthrough of your draft includes a one on one feedback and brainstorm session. By phone or online. Book here.

Three Session Mentoring Package.

Over three months set goals, submit work, receive feedback and progress your draft.

Great for any stage of your writing project. Book here.


Write Your Book on a Weekend

‘Everyone has a book inside them’ they say, but how do you get the darn thing out? In one weekend learn everything you need to know about how to write your novel, memoir or non fiction book.

Meditating On Memoir

In a supportive and creative atmosphere, learn special techniques for memoir writing that you can use for the rest of your writing life.

Avoidance Busters

Clear the decks as you dream up your next writing project. Take home a bag of avoidance busting tricks to use on a daily basis.

Writing  for Change

How can I use writing to change myself, my community, my world? As the rapidly changing conditions of our  twenty-first century world demand an immediate response, this workshop shows how can we use writing as a tool for motivating and inspiring positive personal and collective change.

Writing Labs

Summer and Winter Writers Labs are conducted over three weeks with workshop meetings held every three to four days. At each workshop, essential elements of writer’s craft are revised and writers have a chance to read, critique and receive feedback on any aspect of their writing and creative process.

Writing the Body

What stories does the body hold? What secrets does the elbow have to tell? What about the nose, your little finger or a strand of hair? What language do your scars speak? Which limb could best tell the story of your worst illness or accident? Learn a new way into inspiration, writing  and healing old scars.

Mentoring With Jan

Jan  provides mentoring for  beginning and  experienced writers of all genres, supporting and guiding you on questions of craft, process and anything else that gets in the way of your writing.

Get your FREE 'Avoidance Buster eBook NOW!
  • Stop Procrastinating: start that book or script this year!
  • Receive guidance in setting goals specific to your writing.
  • Attend online workshops or take an exotic writers retreat!
  • Have your very own mentor to support you along the way.
  • Receive ongoing FREE writing tips and insider advice!
Sign-up today and receive your FREE 'Avoidance Buster eBook' and make the first step on your Writer's Journey!
Your personal information is safe with us.