Gascony Residency, June 2025.




Gascony Residency, June 19 -30,2024. 12 days/11 nights. A mentored writer’s residency at Relais de Camont near Agen in the South of France  For writers and artists working on a specific project or manuscript. Small group. Morning  exercises will set you up for your writing/art making day.  Days free for working on your project. Pre-dinner readings/sharings. Personal mentoring session on your MS or creative project.  On call mentoring for trouble shooting any creative issues. This intensive residency experience gives you a chance to focus completely on your creative project, while receiving support, peer feedback, and personal mentoring. In between you will have access to local walks, village visits, market forays and more.

ONLY THREE PLACES AVAILABLE! If this idea appeals to you, please send expression of interest ASAP.

PRICE:  Early Bird $6,700 AUD (plus 250 euros cash on arrival). Deposit of $1500AUD will secure your place.

Contact Jan for payment details or pay deposit here.


All meals and accomodation over residency period 11 nights, 12 days.

All workshops, tuition, facilitation with Jan Cornall.

A detailed one-one-one mentoring session on your manuscript or creative plan.


International air fares, transport to and from Relais de Camont, travel insurance, personal extras, local excursions.

Application process.

With EOI, writers must submit a short biog, one page synopsis/plan and 10 sample pages of the work they will undertake during the residency. Artists will submit artist plan/statement of intent, relevant previous work. Send to Jan here.

Once your participation is confirmed writers will submit their draft MS two months prior to the residency. Artists will submit any relevant information re their planned residency activities.

Morning workshops 9 – 10.30 am to kickstart your writing day. The rest of the day is set aside for writing/ making. Pre-dinner readings/ sharing/ discussion.

About our residence and host at Relais de Camont

Over the last 30 years, many artists and writers, photographers, filmmakers, and dreamers have found their inspiration at Camont, Kate Hill’s home in Gascony, France. In 2022, Kate opened the Pigeonnier Tower and studio cabin as writers’ rooms and creative residency for those seeking a less structured yet productive environment.

 People come to write, photograph, film, draw, create, or just breathe in the peaceful Southwest French countryside. Gardens, orchard, communal spaces for reading and conversation.  Quiet and privacy are respected.

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