Draft Busters Online, support for long haul writers, all genres, ongoing, Mons and Frids.


Draft Busters Online. 2020.

For anyone working on a draft manuscript of fiction, non fiction, performance, theatre, film, poetry etc.

In this time of stay at home restrictions we are offering online workshops in four week modules to  keep you motivated and working on your drafts. It includes 2 weekly sessions of 1-5 hours each. Motivation Mondays and Feedback Fridays.

Motivation Mondays, ( 1.5 hrs)

Check in with the group, set goals and timetables for the week, discuss any questions or issues coming up for you in your writing process, plus a meditative writing exercise on areas of writing craft: setting, voice, characters, dramatic action, resolution, impact.

Feedback Fridays, (2.5 hrs )

Read an excerpt from your week’s writing, receive feedback from the group, discuss any issues arising.

Sessions will be conducted on Zoom.

When: ongoing, contact Jan for dates and times

Cost:  $320AUD (185 Euros, 160 GBP, $200USD) for  eight workshops. BOOK HERE.

Note: the price is already discounted but some sponsored positions will be available. Contact Jan for more info.

Workshops are being run in 4 week modules.

If you attend three modules in a row you receive a complimentary mentoring session with Jan on your work so far.

Draft Busters is  for published or unpublished memoir writers, novelists, script writers, non fiction writers, scribblers and doodlers in all genres, who want to seriously progress their long term writing project.

Whether you are at the beginning or end of a first, second or umpteenth draft of an idea, a story, a book, a script, a collection of poems, Draft Busters helps keep you and your writing, motivated and on track. It provides valuable feedback and support for your work and your writing process, while revising the essential elements of writing craft. Each month we so a meditative writing exercise and each author has a designated feedback session where they can read, discuss, or present any part of their writing for constructive criticism.

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