The Spirit of Writing



August 12 , 2023. A one day workshop in the  Glasshouse Mountains, QLD.

In the inspiring surrounds of the Namgyalgar Retreat Centre we will dive into the spirit of writing. Drawing on the work of authors: Natalie Goldberg, Gail Sher, Joseph Campell, Karl Jung, Pat Schneider, Shakti Gawain and more, we will explore the connnections and crossovers between writing and spiritual practice.  Being present, practicing mindfulness, creating ritual, accessing divine inspiration and embracing the writing heavens and hells — are some of the themes we will explore.

When you are totally engaged and present in the act of creativity, there is no separation, the mind and the spirit are one.

But how do we get ourselves there when we are continually caught up and distracted by our busy lives.

Throughout the day, via structured exercises we will look at:

How to bring meditation into your writing practice

Setting up creative space and daily rituals

Mindful walking and writing

Tapping into the Spirit of the Divine as a source of  inspiration

The heaven and hell realms of the writing process

Writing in nature, tapping into spirit of place

Haiku and the art of being present

How to make writing part of  your everyday (spiritual) practice

Note : This workshop will be useful to anyone interested in exploring a more metaphysical aspect of creativity. People of any or no faith or denomination and writers of all levels are most welcome!


One day workshop: $95 ($75 Concession)

Includes morning/afternoon teas and lunch.

Contact Jan for payment details


Attend the workshop on the 12th, stay overnight in Namgyalgar’s airbnb accom, receive an extra day of writing tuition and mentorship on your current writing project on Sunday the 13th with Jan.

If you want to stay on longer on a self guided writer’s retreat this can also be arranged.


Residential Sat and Sun workshops plus food and one night accom.

$290,  (includes one night accom plus dinner (12th)  breakfast, lunch (Sun 13th), Sunday workshop 9 am – 3pm).

Non residential Sat and Sun workshops (for locals)


Contact Jan for more info

Getting there

Coming from interstate for the residential weekend —take plane to Brisbane Airport then train to Glass House Mts, pick up will be arranged.  Arriving the night before also possible. (Contact Jan).

If you are driving, the address is 206 Glass House Woodford Rd ( turn right just after the Look Out Café).


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