3 session committment


Finding time to write is not so easy in our fast paced world. Remember the days when you could just do one thing at a time? Imagine making a comittment to spend all the time you can for three months on your writing project. Even if you can’t give up your day job it is still possible to find hours and minutes in every day for your writing if you really want to. Learn how to use them wisely on this guided mentorship program with your own writing and meditation guide.

It includes:

Introductory phone call

Three feedback sessions (monthly) on up to 3000 words at a time, skype, phone or in person (1 hour )


Eight feedback sessions (fortnightly) on up to 2000 words, Skype, phone or in person (half hour)


One optional Desperate Debrief phone session (30 mins)

Wrap up Skype/phone Session (30 mins)

At the end of your three months you can expect to have made serious inroads to your writing project.

Cost: $850

Book here

Contact Jan for more info

If you already have a draft the Real Deal feedback package will suit you better. See here


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  • Receive guidance in setting goals specific to your writing.
  • Attend online workshops or take an exotic writers retreat!
  • Have your very own mentor to support you along the way.
  • Receive ongoing FREE writing tips and insider advice!
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