Free Online Workshop



IMG_5376During the year we offer a free online writing workshop (on Zoom) as an introduction to the meditative writing method. It will be run once a month and will include an opportunity to introduce your writing project to the other participants and to take part in a meditative writing exercise.

Time:  4pm AEST.

Date:  third Sunday of the month.

Cost: free.

Booking: Contact Jan here to reserve your place and receive your ZOOM invite. Mention Free Online Workshop in subject line.

For newcomers, old comers, all levels of experience, come as many times as you like!

The Meditative Methods Jan uses allow you to access the deep subconscious pool of image and sense memory you need to create powerful writing. Getting conscious mind out of the way means the process can become effortless and joyful, free from the struggle and overwhelm that often accompanies long distance writing.  Jan has meditations for every aspect of craft and process including: creating the world of your story, finding your narrator voice, creating original characters, discovering compelling plots, ensuring the impact of your story and dealing with your negative inner critic.

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  • Attend online workshops or take an exotic writers retreat!
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  • Receive ongoing FREE writing tips and insider advice!
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