In April I’m thrilled to be co-facilitating the Healing Journey Retreat with Grace Gawler.
Location: Orford, South East Coast, Tasmania.
Our six day residential retreat experience is specifically designed for women of all ages and stages of the cancer journey, including those who wish to explore preventing a recurrence after successful medical treatment.
Both Jan and Grace have been through the breast cancer experience and bring a wealth of personal experience to the retreat
Days 1-3 are led by cancer navigtor/advocate Grace Gawler. In a gentle, respectful, and compassionate atmosphere Grace provides a safe space for women to explore their emotional healing and create takeaway strategies for dealing with the cancer experience.
Grace Gawler has been working with cancer patients for many decades, helping them navigate the cancer maze to find the most effective medical treatments and support. Read more about Grace here.
Days 4-6 are led by writer/performer Jan Cornall. Building on the foundation laid down by Grace, Jan will show you how setting up a regular writing practice can benefit your healing journey. Taking inspiration from Joseph Campbell, Karl Jung, Marie-Louise Von Franz and Maureen Murdoch, we will explore female archetypes and the Heroine’s Journey in relation to our own personal myth. Whether you want to write for yourself, family and friends or the wider world, you will be given to tools and techniques you can continue to use for your healing journey.