Writing in Italy

I’ve been to Italy twice, well three times if you count taking a bus from London to Brindisi to get to the Greek Islands in the 70s!

Somehow this time it was a completely different experience. Maybe because when I flew into Venice for a mini solo retreat before meeting our writing group in Florence, the sights that were easily accessible and not swarming with tourists, were local churches, and there’s a lot of them. When you step inside and look up, you can’t help but be moved. The sense of space is extraordinary. Heaven seems to go on forever. Domes, ceilings and towering walls painted in rich vibrant colours with dramatic biblical scenes make you realise it’s all about storytelling.

And they all have bell towers that loudly announcethe passing of the hour from 7 am to 6pm. A great reminder to get up and write! Each hour they call out — ‘are you at your desk now? Are you writing?’  At 6pm the cascade of ringing goes for 2 minutes. Ensconced on my rooftop writing nook right next to the 7th century year old bell tower of Chiesa San Apostoli, I interpreted their song as: ‘how did you go? let’s celebrate what you wrote today, time for an aperitivo! Dong dong dong.’

After 6 days of sightseeing/writing I took the bullet train from Venezia to Firenze. There I had three days to explore the wonders of Florence and meet up with our host Jennifer  Richardson of The Creat Escape Tours.   On Sat June 3 we picked up our group and took off to the village of Mercatello Sul Metauro, situated 2.5 hours east of Florence. We were welcomed warmly by Luisa Donati into her family home, Palazzo Donati, a restored palazzo that has been in her family since 1689.

Our week in Mercatello was a dream.  The standard routine of morning workshops, free writing afternoons, pre dinner readings, was peppered with delicious meals (taken in and out) local excursions and village walks.  See pics here. We’ll go again next year (dates tbc), so if you want to have the Italy experience to join us send an EOI now.

What our writers had to say about our Italy Journey.

Victoria says…

I came to fulfil a five year dream of attending a writing course in Italy (first heard of in 2017). I found a warm sense of belonging, openness and friendship — like being welcomed as a family member, nothing was too much trouble, all my needs and wants were our hosts’ priority. Accommodation and food were sensational, the workshop sessions were perfectly timed with revitalising coffee breaks (in the piazza) as each ‘sense’ was explored and shared in a space of calm, supported by our facilitator Jan and fellow writers. There was so much to absorb, and consider. Each day was a new beginning, a new discovery of words and textures. Hard to pick a highlight, but finding this group of talented writers so far away and taking part in their writing process is right up there. I gained new ideas, new approaches to writing and found a character who will bring my story to life.

Go try it, immerse yourself in what this experience has to offer!

Kerry says..

I came to luxuriate in a week of writing with Jan in a beautiful, quiet, historic palazzo. I found a group of warm hearted, encouraging and exceptionally creative writers and a town with a rich history.I take home inspirational sparks for my next work, memories of being immersed in the flow of creativity and admiration, and a newfound respect for culinary traditions.   Jennifer and Luisa were exceptional hosts, the food was light and tasty and true to the local area and their dedication and thoughtfulness empowered our work. I was given an enormous and beautiful bedroom with a huge bathroom and bath, heaven! I felt sustained by centuries of daily life and hard work. The stones, the pavings, huge stoves, enormous sinks, all holding memories of an abundant life. Jan’s workshops gave us the space to be who we are, opened the doors and invited us to enter the unknown while always being there as a gentle back up.

To others contemplating this retreat in the future, I would say just do it! Take the plunge, hang the expense! The creative richness in this historic place is worth much more than money!

Donald says…

I felt welcome at Palazzo Donati from the first day. Loved the huge walled garden and small pool, the quiet retreat from the street. Every effort was made to accommodate our needs by our hosts Jennifer and Luisa. There was great care taken in preparation of the food including the homemade pasta with Nonna Lina, the purple soup by Caterina, which we helped prepare. Delicioso! A good mix of eating in and out. I enjoyed most the meals in the garden and the breakfast room. All prepared with expertise and thoughtfulness. In the writing workshops via the senses and elements, Jan helped us to dig deeper into our stories. I’ll take home a kick in the butt and inspiration to start back on my memoir after a six month hiatus.

Do yourself a favour and go on this trip. In Mercatello sul Metauro you will find time to write, to get to know the locals and have a great experience. Space, time and the freedom to write — a shot in the arm for your creative process. Priceless!

Suzanne says…

I came on a friend’s recommendation and found new beginnings to a writing project I’d given up on. Finding a place to work in peace and becoming familiar with the village was a gift. The hosting was brilliant, thank you, thank you Jennifer and Luisa, you were so caring. Food was simple and good. Lunches in the palazzo were terrific as well as Lina’s tagliatelle and Caterina’s cooking. The writing workshops were always surprising. Critiquing was always generous, careful and inspirational. Going in via the senses, suddenly I was writing the complex stories of my family of origin. It was very exciting as the story was coming through in a non linear way. Highlights were the writing meditations which led to breakthroughs on my family writing project. Having a swim —wish I’d started earlier! The morning routine of writing/ coffee/reading became a delicious expectation. Stories, everyone’s stories, all so different!

Just do it! You’ve no idea how it will shake you up, get you out of your old groove. There’s so much more to life!

Tiffany says…

The palazzo and the village were so welcoming. I felt grounded. I love, love, loved my room with a view, my writing desk. I felt taken in. Walking around the town, exploring and discovering its secrets —it held me by the hand and drew me in. Our hosts Jennifer and Luisa were generous, organised, wonderfully present, available and as much part of this experience as everyone has been. So welcoming and delightful and a special mention to Wellington, Luisa’s puppy. The food — generous, delicious and fresh, enhancing our sense of taste. I enjoyed trying foods I wouldn’t normally eat. I loved the mix of eating in and out. My fave meal was Nonna Lina’s home made tagliatelle with Massimo’s ragu.The writing workshops were inspiring and always revealing. I love the meditations as I find them so useful in taking me into the fiction world I am creating. Jan you are so engaging and encouraging and best of all, you bring out the best of all of us around the writing table. Highlights were definitely the village, the writing sessions, the growing friendships between us, the sharing of our words and ideas. The homemade pasta meal, the trips to Urbino and Carpegna visiting the maskmakers and the linen stamping. Experiencing parts of Italy through Luisa and Jen — their expertise and knowledge of the culture.

For an immersive experience and the space to create, Jan, Jen and Luisa provide the perfect space, time and opportunity to let your imagination sing!

Carolina says…

Palazzo Donati welcomed a wonder filled group of people with common interests. I’ll take home stories, many new starting points for my writings, sustaining friendships and the inspiration of some very fine fellow writers.The village was a wonderful place to explore. The people we met, Massimo and chef Caterina, Luisa, Jennifer — so pleasing and thoughtful. The white robed Mexican monk Benjamin, the law student waitress. All the endless nooks and crannies of the village to explore. Highlights: sensing the village, the friendly locals we met, scenes of mountains, trees, gardens, surprising aspects of village surrounds, the artisan baker Massimo, mango thé, mango sorbet, geckos, the petite piscine (swimmimg pool). A welcome refresh, siesta time. The mask workshop, fabulous, magical. The rust on linen artisan Emmanuel— delightful!

Immerse yourself in creative work and culture in a great place with great hosts and a superb facilitator!


Writer’s Journeys coming up

The Spirit of Writing Weekend, Glasshouse Mts, QLD, Aug 12, 13.

Lake George Spring Retreat, Sept 22 – 27.

Story Hunters, India, Nov 4 -19.

Moroccan Caravan,  Feb 23 –  Mar 8, 2024.

Haiku Walking in Japan, Mar 27 – April 1, 2024.

Contact Jan for more details!



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