Busting your draft!

Writing is such an up and down business — but through the good days and bad days somehow we keep plodding on. For over ten years I’ve been leading a monthly group in Sydney called Draft Busters. We are a motely crew of novelists, memoirists, nonfiction writers, poets, short form writers with an occasional playwright and screenwriter thrown in. We all have one thing in common — we are trying to bust a draft. Sometimes we have good weeks, sometimes bad, sometimes writers take a year or two off knowing they can always come back to Draft Busters, have a bit of a moan and a groan about how hard it all is and get cracking again. Some of us don’t write anything all month until the night before our meeting then push out an absolutley brilliant piece. Over the years some  of us have gone on to get published and as soon as one does we know we are all a little closer to that goal.

Once a year we have a meeting called Draft Swap. This gives us an annual target to work towards to have a finished draft ready to swap with a fellow writer in the group. This is an invaluable exchange and swappees often continue the process throughout the year as they each take away their drafts and work on suggested edits.

Our next Draft Swap will take place on Sunday Feb 25

We have three Draft Buster meetings before then — Nov  12, Dec 10, Jan 21 to help you get your draft in shape.

If you want to bust your draft in the next few months let’s do it!

Contact Jan for venue and payment details.


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