Imagine a world where you can do all the things you dream of, like writing your book or script without self-imposed obstacles, avoidance or procrastination.
Somehow we’ve forgotten that…
‘The writing itself, once you get down to it, doesn’t take long. It’s everything you do to avoid writing that takes up all the time. If you put your mind to it you could write a book on a weekend!’
The sad fact is we are all great avoiders and last minute artists, every one of us – how do you think the world ended up in such a mess!
So who is this avoidance gremlin wheedling its way into our best laid plans? How can we find a way deal with our avoidance addiction before it’s too late?
I have put some of my anti procrastination tips in to a new eBook – Avoidance Buster Manual which is available to any one who wants to join or rejoin my mailing list (to the right of this screen).
After completing the easy exercises in the manual you will be armed with an ongoing strategy for dealing with all your avoidance and procrastination habits and be well on the way to achieving your writing goals.
You will also receive fortnightly support emails to help you on your writer’s journey. But the best way of course is to join us on one of our creative adventures!
BOOKING NOW! June: Desert Writers, July: Backstage Bali, Nov:Mekong Meditations, Dec:Burmese Temple Tour, January: Moroccan Caravan.